Kassel for Documenta 12
Munich for Oktoberfest
I should be paying a pile of bills ...
I should be cleaning the house to make life easier for when we get back ...
And I'm finally getting there with the pre-sewing madness for the birthdays while I'm away.
Four sleeps to go ...
It's been a busy week planning our trip and catching up with family and friends before we head off. Only 3 weeks today till we leave. I believe I'm at the awareness/shock stage now where I've realised in 3 weeks time I'm going to have a 2 month holiday. I think the next stage is panic/chaos but it will be worth it.
So, before I go there are a number of projects I need to finish off including gifts for birthdays that fall during the time we are away, a book cover for our lonely planet so we don't look completely like tourists, a scarf for James and a knitted headband on order. Could be tight.
This week was an online extravaganza. I joined Indiepublic which is the best creative answer to My Space ever and Facebook where I caught up with some old friends.
These little felt kitties were made for Leila and Ava so they had a present to open on Chloe's birthday. Both kitties received kisses and a day out at Movie World. The pattern is from Craft Issue #3.
I know, I know it's a pretty lame attempt at growing lavendar but I was happy to get it through its first week alive so now that it's finally blooming I'm thrilled.
Look out, it's another knitting work in progress. A throw for the couch, knitted with 3 different balls of yarn in garter stitch. Who knows how long this will take to finish!
Three new tomatos this week. They look quite big here but they're about the size of a pea.
I'm loving these headbands, you can whip one up with a ball of wool and a couple of hours. So easy and so warm.
Another tote done. This one is based on 2 patterns from The Crafter's Companion. There's a large pocket on the inside which flips out and the netire bag can be folded up into the pocket. Great to have on hand when a shopping urge strikes.
I love this bag. I made it to sell but am thinking of giving it as a gift. It's lined on the inside with the red fabric and has little pockets inside too for a phone and keys. The embroidery on the front is based on an image from a fashion magazine.
I have so many knitting projects on the go at the moment, I can't seem to finish one without starting another. This one will be a headband for my sister. I have 2 more orders for headbands and am hoping to make one for myself too. They keep your head really warm without having to hide all your hair under a beanie.
I discovered shrink plastic a while ago. It's really hard to find in Brisbane and I ended up findng an online quilting shop in Caboolture that stocks it. I used permanent ink markers so the drawings didn't rub off and made a series of brooches, you can check out more of them on my flickr page. The ink still rubs off a bit so I think I'll have to varnish them somehow.
These coasters were a gift for Mum a while back. I made them from a tutorial I found earlier in the year but haven't been able to locate the linke for it again. There's six coasters and a little bag for them to live in.
I made this bag for Mum for her birthday back in April. It was meant to be a fold up wallet thing but I got a bit carried away when I started sewing the fabric strips together. The little blue bird on the front is just a cut out from one of the fabrics, embroidered and appliqued.
About 3 months ago a small shoot came up in one of the plants. I thought it was a weed, turns out it was a cherry tomato plant.