It's hot as hell here so I don't know where the inspiration came from to embroider a beanie!
Available in the shop now.
Hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve, see you back here in 2009 :)
Thank you Lisa of Lou Lou and Oscar for grabbing a screen shot of my little green bird on the front page of etsy (this was pre-Christmas). Thanks also Charlotte for letting me know it was there :)
Where have I been? I've been relaxing, developing ideas and sewing. It feels so indulgent to have a week off work and stay home. I'll be back soon with some snaps of what I've been up to.
I completely forgot to blog this little bird in a new green and white colourway. The felt is hand dyed wool so it's lovely and soft. I'll be doing a couple more for the shop over the weekend or you can leave a comment and order one directly from me. The pricing is the same as the other birds in the shop.
Just popping in for a little baby quilt update. After a number of nights, a million pin pricks and calluses to boot I finally finished the hand quilting. I've also attached half the binding so should have the finished quilt posted here by the end of the weekend.
Well, on my lap actually while recovering from laryngitis (again!) Basting is done and hand quilting has commenced.
For more desks visit Kootoyoo.
Lucky I whipped these up the night before because the quilting is still in progress but that's ok it's getting there.
Pattern used: Martha Stewart felt baby shoes.
It's getting to the point where every spare minute (and there aren't many of them) is spent on this baby quilt. I'm expecting the top to be finished in the next day or two.
Got any super quilting tips/links for me? Please leave a comment, this is my first quilt so I need all the help I can get.
There are more desks here
and have you seen this? I'm loving it.
Little Bird Tree Decoration (Peach Sorbet) is now available. I'm taking custom orders for these for Christmas so if there is a particular colour or flower you like let me know and for $10AUD plus postage you can hang one on your tree.
Most of you will know that Brown Owls has opened membership for 2009. I've joined as a faraway owl in Brisbane, any other Brisbanites out there interested in forming a Brisbane Brown Owls group? If you are, head to the Brown Owls blog and join!
I'm off to the beach for three relaxing days so I won't be posting this weekend but make sure you still check out Saturday's Shopping Lists over at Charlotte's and Sunday's This is...
Little Bird Tree Decoration in Lavendar is available in the shop now.
I got a little surprise this morning when I popped in to Dawanda and found my notebook cover on the home page.