I've been tagged by Hollie and Charlotte to reveal six random things about myself and tag six other bloggers to do the same so here goes:
1. I've never sewn in a zip or a button hole (eek - you may commence stoning now!)
2. I don't spend my days sewing, I work full-time for a magazine (so if you ever have a question about publishing stop by and ask)
3. Last week I went to a pole dancing class and loved it, best work out I've done in a while.
4. My ironing board (also known as cutting table) cover has a huge hole in it. It's been there for about six months but I never get around to replacing it.
5. I don't have a car, I can drive but figured I don't really need one so why bother. I also hate public transport so my main form of transport is walking (lucky I live inner city).
6. I like to rotate things: the clothes in my wardrobe, books on my shelf, things on my to do list, sewing projects, household chores...
and I'm tagging six blogs I visited for the first time today (I urge you to check them out too):
Vanilla Pixie
Thousand Threads
fine little day
winsome hollow
If you've been one of the lucky (or unlucky depending on how busy you are) ones to be tagged you simply have to acknowledge the tag is from me, post your six things and tag six other bloggers. Oh, don't forget to leave a comment on their blog to let them know :)
Hello! Thanks for the tag :) I actually did this one a little while ago so you can find my random things here.
Omigod...pole dancing!!!! Good on ya!
Loved these facts - see, I know you better now! Have to say, can't believe you've not buttonholed or zipped before. Actually, I think it's probably the best policy - crikey, they open up a whole can of worms!
Nice to find another non car driver as well. I wish I lived closer to town so I could walk everywhere too. So its public transport for the girls and I, I think we look quite a comical bunch sometimes getting on and off trains and buses with all our stuff and shopping.
thanks for the tag - i have posted my 6 things today :) have a good weekend!
Oooh, now I'm trying to guess what magazine!
I've made it 'Blogtoberfest Fave Friday' play along if you like...check out my post. xx
Thanks for the tag - will definitely be playing along!!
oh- i have been wanting to try pole dancing {sounds so risque;)}
am happy to stumble upon your blog- very sweet indeed:)
I will so play along! I was having a bit of a grim day, and this was the big turnaround. thank you!
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