Sunday, November 30, 2008
Q What is the blog author's first name? ANSWER: Erin
use the first letter - LETTER: E
We like to keep lunch casual, I've found some fabulous BBQ recipes for the big day.
Q What type of meat is pictured on the rotisserie? ANSWER: Lamb
use the first letter - LETTER: L
Getting some great ideas for upcycling (my favourite craft) & enjoying the revamp over at this fabulous craft website.
Q They list everyone's favourite Portland based author mama as one of their inspirational sites. Which Portland based author mama is she? ANSWER: Amanda Blake Soule
use the second letter of her last name - LETTER: o
Looking forward to being able to buy handmade at the shopping shindig with the craft book Queen.
Q What type of car is pictured? ANSWER: Volkswagen
use the first letter - LETTER: v
All these letters unscramble to reveal: LOVE
WHAT? is all you need.
What am I on about? scheDUEL can be played over at Kootoyoo for some amazing prizes!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Saturday Shopping List

1. Timmy the Tree Softie (so cute and it's on sale!) from Poppy Lane
2. Reindeer toy/decoration from bubala
3. Cup of Tea embroidered purse from Tabitha Emma
4. Beary Cute from Wild Things of Noosa
Shopping List Saturday provides an opportunity to promote the wares of fellow etsy sellers. Are you taking part? With Christmas fast approaching you should be! Head on over to Fancy Picnic to sign up.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Flickr Friend... Fancy Picnic

Charlotte is an amazing textile artist. She has this uncanny ability to take tiny buttons, beads, pearls, threads, yarn and fabric and produce the most exquisite wearable pieces. The luscious colours burst out from the screen creating a desire to reach out and feel their texture.
But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself. This is only a tiny sample of the amazing images in her flickr stream and on her blog. She's recently started making the most divine cowl collars.
Want to wear one of Charlotte's pieces? Go get one here.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Saturday Shopping List

1. Mini Babushka Matryoshka Doll Brooch from De Nardi
2. JIM the Designer Blue Giraffe from fede
3. Bluebell Quilted Purse from Justina Maria
4. Raspberry sky necklace from Minski
Shopping List Saturday provides an opportunity to promote the wares of fellow etsy sellers. Are you taking part? With Christmas fast approaching you should be! Head on over to Fancy Picnic to sign up.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Flickr Friend... Miffy's World (aka Made by Miffy)

Now this lady knows how to combine great fabric. For the cutest, brightest, most gorgeous kids clothes you can either drool over her photostream, read her blog or buy them in her new online shop. Don't forget to sign up for the mailing list while you're there!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
on my desk ...
Well, on my lap actually while recovering from laryngitis (again!) Basting is done and hand quilting has commenced.
For more desks visit Kootoyoo.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ivy Elizabeth
My beautiful little niece Ivy Elizabeth arrived on Sunday as predicted.
Lucky I whipped these up the night before because the quilting is still in progress but that's ok it's getting there.
Pattern used: Martha Stewart felt baby shoes.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday Shopping List

1. Super Cute Plastic Kitsch Blue Owl Charm from Green Kitten Jewellery
2. Autumn Leaf Brooch from Little Chrissy
3. Heart thoughts journal from love janie lou
4. Cream/burgundy smock style top from Blossom Child.
Shopping List Saturday is the genius idea of Charlotte. It provides an opportunity to promote the wares of fellow etsy sellers. Are you taking part? With Christmas fast approaching you should be! Head on over to Fancy Picnic to sign up.
the answer is ...
If you've popped in this morning and you have no idea what I'm talking about head over here.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
When luck is on your side
The first was this lovely vintage fabric from Elizabeth at Bits of Sunshine. Elizabeth has such a lovely blog, she writes beautifully about her family, sewing and cooking. This fabric is just gorgeous, I can't wait to make something with it.

Plus (and I know you'll all be envious of this one), this bundle of goodies from Jade at girl ferment. It includes Lena Corwin's gorgeous book Printing by Hand, Lara Cameron's wonderful gingko fabric that I've had my eye on for a while and a coin purse made from Jade's own teeth brushing fabric! The coin purse has already been put to good use. And look at the cute little printed elephant note card! You probably already know Jade's blog because it's so beautiful and fun but if you haven't go check it out.

Thank you Elizabeth and Jade, you made my week :)
And thank you to everyone who left a comment on my last post about quilting, my niece is now likely to make an appearance earlier than expected so I'm feeling a little pressure about getting the quilt finished. Hmmm... maybe I should make some back up booties to give on the day just in case...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
on my desk ...
It's getting to the point where every spare minute (and there aren't many of them) is spent on this baby quilt. I'm expecting the top to be finished in the next day or two.
Got any super quilting tips/links for me? Please leave a comment, this is my first quilt so I need all the help I can get.
There are more desks here
and have you seen this? I'm loving it.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Two new birds

After 3 relaxing days by the beach there are 2 new birds in the shop.

I need to take a little break from the birds and get back on to that baby quilt, my new niece is due on Sunday!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Peach Sorbet and Brown Owls
Little Bird Tree Decoration (Peach Sorbet) is now available. I'm taking custom orders for these for Christmas so if there is a particular colour or flower you like let me know and for $10AUD plus postage you can hang one on your tree.
Most of you will know that Brown Owls has opened membership for 2009. I've joined as a faraway owl in Brisbane, any other Brisbanites out there interested in forming a Brisbane Brown Owls group? If you are, head to the Brown Owls blog and join!
I'm off to the beach for three relaxing days so I won't be posting this weekend but make sure you still check out Saturday's Shopping Lists over at Charlotte's and Sunday's This is...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Little Bird Tree Decoration in Lavendar is available in the shop now.
I got a little surprise this morning when I popped in to Dawanda and found my notebook cover on the home page.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Shopping List Saturday (on a Monday ... oops!)

1. Scooter fabric covered journal (Red Bird) from The Rabbit and the Duck
2. Little Boy Doll Plush and Puppy from Blossom n Bird
3. Superman / Clark Kent Handknitted Finger Puppets from Kazzalblue
4. Abstract leaf no. 4 from wearables ok
For more shopping lists visit Charlotte.