1. Super Cute Plastic Kitsch Blue Owl Charm from Green Kitten Jewellery
2. Autumn Leaf Brooch from Little Chrissy
3. Heart thoughts journal from love janie lou
4. Cream/burgundy smock style top from Blossom Child.
Shopping List Saturday is the genius idea of Charlotte. It provides an opportunity to promote the wares of fellow etsy sellers. Are you taking part? With Christmas fast approaching you should be! Head on over to Fancy Picnic to sign up.
Exquisite selections!
Great plug, Rebecca! We would love anyone who would like to join in to do so! Just let me know, and I'll add you to the list.
Love this Shopping List - the smock is delicious, the journal is gorgeous, the owl is cute and the brooch is lovely!!
the owl! oh, the owl! i love it!
This is such a sweet idea. I don't consciously make a point of featuring Etsy sellers but I think I'm averaging weekly coverage!
love the felt brooch - i never use to be 'into' them until I found etsy!! i'm getting an obsession....
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