Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A week of colour: Purple

Flowers, both fresh and dried.

This little guy is still waiting to be packed away for next Christmas.
I've gotta say purple wasn't the easiest colour to spot today, I'm interested to see how everyone else went :)


ittybittyandpretty said...

you must have a very good camera to get such good shots! well done.

lisa said...

beautiful! I agree that purple was more challenging. especially up here with the winter sun, most things I shot looked very brown.

Em said...

Lavender is one of the most amazing and versatile plants ever, not to mention the gorgeous colours! Can't wait to see tommorrows colour choice:)

Hey Harriet said...

You're right. Purple isn't the easiest colour to spot. Or photograph. So you did well on both counts :)

The top pic is so pretty, but the last one is my fave. I LOVE giraffes!

Chrisy said...

great pics...all quite diverse...have a real weakness for lavender..have big bunch drying here now after visit to my mum's garden...

Myra said...

I love purple, one of my favorite shades.

Anonymous said...

I found purple hard too! Love your shots though well done. Loved your blues too.

Amy said...

As much as I love purple, I found it equally as challenging! Your lavender shot just reminded me that I have a dried clump in my kitchen.
Great photos! Look forward to the rest of the week's...especially plaid!

Anonymous said...

Lovely purples