Snowed under with the day job so not much going on this week other than a bit of quiet embroidery.
A big thank you to Steph Bond of
Bondville fame for featuring edward and lilly this week and also to Katy for blogging my purse
Head over to
Kirsty's for more spaces.
Rebecca,a very artistic design
this is gorgeous Rebecca such a beautiful pink too
Her face and hair are gorgeous - the whole design is ace! I really love this.
Wow, Rebecca...you FREEHAND that?! You're so talented!
Celeste (Crickets)
That will be really nice, you are great at it.
I lvoe the bright pink on the linen - so lovely. Darn the real job for getting in the way
Thanks everyone, you're all so kind :)
I'm still working out what this one will end up as... maybe a tote... or a journal cover, hmmmm not sure...
The design is beautiful. Can't wait to see what you do with it
Hi Rebecca - you're welcome! And this new pieces is gorgeous!!!! What about a pillow? Or a lingerie bag? Or napkins?
love love love! Still new to embroidery - is this backstitched or something different? Such a clean line.
I think a journal cover is a really great idea for this one!!
Celeste (Crickets)
Thanks Gina, it's actually whip stitch, my favourite. I like it for the clean line and also because it doesn't get caught on things as easily so it's good for using on embroideries that will end up on items that get thrown around a lot or stuffed into handbags :)
It starts as a back stitch which is why you can still see some back stitching on it. Then you thread back through the back stitch, kinda hard to explain. You should try it out! I'm sure there would be some online tutorials for it somewhere.
Oooh she's gorgeous!
My vote would be for a journal cover or a lingerie bag. Whatever you do with it though, it's sure to be beautiful.
wow, this is gorgeous.
To tell you the truth, I find a lot of embroidery very uninspiring but your work is great!
That is such beautiful and inspiring embroidery - only goes to further aggravate my creative ADD which makes me want to make everything and now!
Rebeca I think she is gorgeous!!! The dratted day job it sucks don't it?
All the other comments say it all!
She is so serene and content. reminds me a little of the models on built by wendy patterns!
darn, you are good!
I love the embroidery! I need to take up more embroidery just for some time to sit quietly at the end of the day.
Like the embroidery. It's really unique.
Oh Rebecca this is just amazing! You are so talented! Can't wait to see her finished. I know just how you feel about your 9 to 5. :)
Sophie x
I totally sympathise with your and your day job. Mines been a little bit that way too at the moment. Your girl is very pretty though!
i love her! your stitching is amazing.
i used to dread 9-5. congrats on your bondville feature :)
Lovin' this style Rebecca. This one is great :)
Beautiful design!!
Thank you for joining in on my giveaway, Handsome Steve has your name in the cup!! :D
I really like this. The color is great, too.
She's so beautiful! Love her!
Happy weekend! :)
Beautiful! Brilliant color on the linen.
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