Name: The perfect linen
Purchased from: Superbuzzy
Cost: Medium Weight: $23.95 (USD) per yard; Light Weight: $19.95 (USD) per yard (I bought the medium weight)
Service: Excellent
Superbuzzy claim that they have been "searching for the pefect linen to use for our craft projects". I have to agree, I think this is a perfect linen, the texture is lovely and the quality is very good. However it's a shade darker than what I'm looking for. Having said that I do have some new projects floating around in my head that will be perfect for this linen.
Would I buy it again? Yes. Paying for shipping from America isn't ideal but as I only orderd the medium weight linen I will definitely head back to Superbuzzy to try the light weight (which wasn't available at time of purchase) and also to stock up on some fabric and trims. I think it would be fair to say that they have the best range of Japanese fabric online.

Have you purchased linen recently? Would you like to be a guest blogger for The Linen Quest? Leave me a comment with your details or contact me directly via the email contact in my sidebar to take part!
Very helpful post by edward and lilly here, I love Linen will have to check that store out.My last Linen purchased was with spotlight but have not tested it yet...
Thanks Rebecca :)
S x
i guess you were reading my mind - i need linen & it's so hard to choose linen over the internet.. so on your recommendation i'm on my way to order some now!
thanks for the helpful hint!
From my perspective your blog post is a beautifully timed one - I'm afraid I haven't any wisdom to share but as I was plotting a linen stash purchase I'm coming back to hear from the tried and tested!
Thank you for the review. I don't use much linen because I get very frustrated with it.
I was just about to email you and ask you where you got all your linen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Helloooo. I have just ordered some linen from Duckcloth (20% off until the 15th). I am getting a couple of different weights - will let you know what I think when it arrives. I tried to get some from Spoltlight thinking it would be a staple - but NOOOOOO. That's a summer fabric, did you know? Jeepers they're useless.
Yes indeed it is a quest; the holy grail so to speak. Funny I received the same answer at Lincraft too - but upon returning in October (ie summer) could only find a nasty linen blend!? I have lately used Pure Linen [www.purelinen.com.au](based in WA) who occasionally have good discounts and Marina provides lovely personal service. I'd be happy to provide some photos and reviews if you like?
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