
Monday, June 22, 2009

Brisbane Brown Owls

There's nothing like spending a rainy Sunday in a cozy room crafting, eating home baked goodies and chatting with like-minded peeps. For a full run down of what we got up to pop over here.


  1. wish I'd have been there. But had a very productive sewing day at home. see you next time.

  2. Ooooh it certainly does sounds like fun!

  3. Wish that empty chair right at the front of the photo was for me!

    You're right... a perfect way to spend a rainy Sunday.

  4. Thanks for another great start to a Sunday - we didn't get to chat but I can see you've been making heaps for the upcoming market! Will see you there!

  5. Looks like lots of fun:) What a fun way to spend the day...

  6. it looks like you owls have so much fun together!

    i didn't see any pictures of the goodies, though. it's always fun to see what the treats are . . .

    hope you have a lovely, crafty day!

  7. It was a fun day, I do so love my Brown Owls Sundays!

    Thanks for the blog love :)


  8. Ooooh, looks great! A whole room of crafters. There doesn't seem to be much in the crafty way happening here on the Gold Coast.

    If you guys ever need more people for these Brown Owls events please mention that I have my hand up...

