Thursday, July 9, 2009

My creative space...

I really should be sorting out bits and pieces from Saturday's market... but those darn little critters keep calling my name.

Stay tuned for some new content coming soon to this little space plus if you're still looking for the perfect linen, or any eco/organic fabric, I'll be back onto the linen quest very soon!

For more creative spaces head over to Kirsty's.


amy said...

i see the owl i see the owl! :) x

Kirsty said...

I just love these little guys.

Cut&Alter said...

Those little fellas are sooo cute! x

Kylie said...

Gorgeous owl! Is that felt you're stitching on? Isn't it so smooth to stitch on - I just love it. Great space, as always! :) K

Alisa said...

Aaaaw! My kingdom for a sausage dog!!

Leonie Guld said...

Ooooh they are super cute. What a fantastic creative space.

june at noon said...

Oh, aren't they cute! I can see why they're distracting you. I like the white on black, too.

handmaiden said...

love the critters sepecially the owl

Michelle said...

Super sweet. I am sure the after market cleanupcan wait, especially when tiny stitching is calling.

Gina said...

I good, I can finally post on your site again! I'd be obsessed with those little critters too if I'd designed them. It must be quite satisfying to have designed something little and simple and delightful. Did you sell out at the market?

Michelle said...

I'd be addicted to the wee fellows too!

Selina said...

that owl is so darn cute!

bubbachenille said...

You have grown creatively soooo much since I first started reading your blog. Good on you and congratulations..

edward and lilly said...

Thanks so much Miriam, and everyone for your support and lovely comments :)

Gina, nice to know it's working again! Yep, I completely sold out of them and about half the upholstery fabric ones. It's great to know there's so many of them out there and I'm super charged to make some more now.

Unknown said...

Just so cute and lovely :)

belinda marshall said...

fantastic! that feeling of motivation is priceless, don't u think? i better buy one of these ones :)

Cindy said...

I can imagine I would go a little cross eyed looking at this black on white but your little guys are looking great

Jemma. said...

Oh, I really like the little owl. Pretty as always!

Liesl said...

I love the little doggie .... very cute indeed!

Tania said...

Sweet little crittery munchkins - and I'll have my eyes peeled for your linen quest updates!

kellie said...

How could you resist them? (we share a black and white theme today too!)

julie k said...

Cute little critters! I love them!

Unknown said...

Oh those little brooches are just too cute! I do love indeed love those little owls!
Sophie x

woollywotnots said...

Aww the owl is so cute!

Christina Lowry said...

Too cute as always! No wonder they sold out! :)

Cindy said...

Adorable! I love the contrast.

Rebecca said...

Beautiful, but I love the little sausage dog most of all!

Anonymous said...

Wow, each and every one is cuter than the last! They are wonderful!

Kym said...

Love your critters! All so, so cute.