Monday, September 28, 2009

Time for a Giveaway!

To celebrate edward and lilly's acceptance into the Brisbane Finders Keepers market and to launch 3 new brooch designs in my etsy and madeit stores I'm having a giveaway!

Brisbanites may have seen these 3 cute critters around the place but they've only just made it into online stores this week.

Introducing Porcupine, Little Bird and Baby Owl Brooches.

All three are available in either black hemp or red, green or blue organic cotton canvas and can be purchased via Etsy in USD (where the postage is free for Aussies) or on madeit in AUD.

Now down to the business of giving away one of these brooches in your choice of design and colour. Entering is so easy:

Leave a comment for one entry...


Leave a comment and blog about the giveaway for 2 entries. PLUS if you win and you have 2 entries I'll throw in a little something extra for your efforts. If you don't have a blog you can mention it on your facebook, twitter or spread the news in any other way for 2 entries. Make sure you leave a comment so I know about your second entry.

The Giveaway ends at midnight on Friday 9 October. Entries are welcome from anywhere in the world.

Good luck everyone!


Anonymous said...

The are gorgeous and the colours are lovely, the little owl is my fave. I will do a twitter too - but will wait a bit untill the comments are underway.

Lille Diane said...

Sweet... I'm in. Thank you~

Christy said...

yay and congrats! Sweet brooches.. my fave is the birdie.

Christy said...

I twittered about your giveaway too! :)

ittybittyandpretty said...

ok, count me in this one! and am off to twitter about it right now :D
%*_*% rosey

Christy said...
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Penny said...

Ooh they're so cute! Good luck at the market!

windycindy said...

Your brooches are all adorable!
Please enter my name in your delightful prize giveaway drawing.
Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

I follow you on Twitter!
Again, many thanks!

Kylie said...

So cute! I haven't seen the owl before - he's spec :)
Count me in please! K

Christina Lowry said...

Yay! Count me in! I will be back after making a blog entry or such. Oh, those owls, that bird, oh, oh, oh... so sweet! :)

carmel said...

i love your work and style
i hope to win!

carmel said...

and yessss! i blogged about it!

thanks alot!!!

Sardana said...

Sweet giveaway! I love your creations :)

TheBigBoss said...

Many thanks!

PaisleyJade said...

Yay! Love them!!

Jo said...

I love brooches and these are very cute!! I have twittered and will blog about the giveaway today too :-) Share the joy I say!

Hey Harriet said...

Oh I love these! Please count me in! I'm a bit slack with my blog lately but I'll go tweet about your giveaway right now!

And a big congrats to you Rebecca on your acceptance into the Finders Keepers market! Well done!

Hey Harriet said...

Just tweeted! I don't know how to leave individual tweet links (or even if it's possible?) but my twitter is here:

Cheers Tracy

florcita said...

Just saw you on Flickr. Long time no see! Hope all is well on your side of the world...
congrats on the acceptance!

Bam Bam Creative said...

oooh, I love the little birdy and owl! SO cute, I'll mention it on my Twitter too xxx

(and my word for verification is NESTR, it must be a sign ;))

bubbachenille said...

Oh we all love a giveaway and that little bird is a cutie!

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

count me in!!!

Paula said...

Beautiful! Count me in!

PretaPawte said...

i love these broohes. Fantastic news on the finders keepers

elizabeth said...

congratulations on finders keepers!

what fun little designs! i love the baby owl on red. my fingers are crossed! :)

Unknown said...

oh yes please! count me in 2x they are gorgous

Pesky Cat Designs said...

I've been admiring your sweet little critters for a while now. Love them all!

Congrats on the fair. :)

sarah said...

I LOVE them. And would love to win. :)

Brooke said...

that porcupine is too cute for words.

june at noon said...

Ooh, love these! I can't decide which I like best--I keep waffling! Thanks for the chance to win.

june at noon said...

Just blogged about the giveaway: Hope you don't mind that I borrowed the photo for extra incentive! (I credited it to you.)

Anonymous said...

i do like your brooches! i'll be blogging it soon, later on this morning after i've had some sleep. :D

Sorka said...

I do love your designs it would be nice to have some!!
Congrats and good luck in the show!

Sorka said...

I just tweeted as well!

Deneen said...

What lovely and original designs-shall Twitter, as well as blog about contest.

Claire said...

how lovely! i will tweet to inform my corner of the internet about these delights!

Nova said...

They're cute!

dera frances white said...

they are so sweet! i just tweet it. !!!

Sarah said...

so sweet and simple.

Sandee said...

too sweet! I love the little Porcupine...actually all of them.

I posted a link and message on my facebook as well.

Sam said...

your style is adorable! thank you for sharing and for giving us a chance to win this stunning giveaway ^_^ hugs!

Jessi said...

oh too cute!!!! the baby owl is my new fav!! :)

Smithsholidayroad said...

thanks so much for the chance to win these beautiful creations! just devine. Bron xo

Lynn said...

Simply Sweet! Love them all. Hope I win.

Melinda Hume said...

Count me in! I bought one of these gorgeous brooches for a friend a few months ago at the Brisstyle markets and have wanted one of my own ever since. Good luck at Finder's Keeper's :)

The Fam said...

Beautiful! Hope I win!

Ashlyn said...

Wow, these are so simple and so beautiful. The hedgehog is definitely my favorite.

miss megan sullivan said...

Adorable! I like the porcupine best.

Me and My 4 Fellas said...

Hi Bec
Thanks for the opp to win one of these brooches.


undeadgoat said...

These keep showing up in my Google Reader as works in progress--I'm *so* excited for a chance to win one! They're super cute.

Isabel said...

Can I enter if I'm in Europe?

Isabel said...

I forwarded the link to some crafty friends :D (we are all in europe though) Hope some of us win .. they are so cute!

Melinda @ Here We Go Loopy Lou said...

So cute. Count me in!

Storeyshop said...

Ooh I love them! Please enter me!

Tania said...

Do they come with a magnifying glass in order to fully appreciate your amazing fairy stitchery?!

Peace Sweet Peas said...

These are lovely

Peace Sweet Peas said...


Unknown said...

Yay! Twittered about it too!



Michele T said...

All of the brooches are awesome. Simply a great idea.

Unknown said...

These are so adorable...I will Twitter!

Digital Misfit said...

So adorable! The porcupine is my favorite, but all 3 are so sweet!

I Tweeted!


Bettina Groh said...

If I win... that's a hedgehog! Love them all. Please enter me in the giveaway!

demmi said...

how cute please enter me in the giveaway con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

Sara Aj said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
I tweeted :

:3 ~ Sara

Ginny said...

So cute! I blogged as well ~

Unknown said...

Oh dear those are adorable! I can't even decide which one is my favorite! Thanks for the chance to win!

ChrisTea said...

They are all SO CUTE!!! But I'd have to go with the Owls 'cause I'm a night person. Thanks for the chance to own them.

Melissa L said...

These are so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

They are super cute! I know my friend would love the porcupine.

Jenn Milt Art said...


jrerwin6 at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

Congrats on the Finders Keepers market Rebecca. That is great news for you and for Edward & Lilly. So some busy/busier times ahead..???!!! Thanks for the giveaway. Those porcupine are just too cute!

Amber said...

How pretty and unique! The porcupine is my favorite.
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Leonie Guld said...

Ooo count me in. thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, now I have found you!!

molly said...

wow--you are one super busy person. love the hedgehog especially!

edward and lilly said...

Hey Isabel, yep anyone in the world can enter! Good luck everyone :)

Turtle said...

i luv the fun whimsy of them! so cute!

Alison said...

thanks! those are really cute.

Anonymous said...

They are adorable! I'd have a hard time picking which is my favorite.

Crazy Mom! said...

OO OO OO I love them
I blogged about them too....

Mel said...

These are adorable little brooches, the likes of which I've definitely never seen before!

Valerie said...

the brooches are absolutely cute! i've also blogged about this giveaway at my blog. so cool!

Joyful Girl Naturals said...

Visited the shop on Etsy I found this Lavender Scented Bird - Christmas decoration what a perfect way to decorate this year.

Joyful Girl Naturals said...

I tweeted the giveaway

Joyful Girl Naturals said...

#2 tweeted the giveaway

Mainichi said...

Rebecca I think they are all equally cute! Count me in for the draw please! D

amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carmen said...

Oh so cute! These critters are just gorgeous :D Thank you for the chance to win one!

Kelly Fletcher said...

These brooches are exactly what I've been looking for! Heading into winter in the northern hemisphere and need one (or more) to keep my scarves in place... and these are perfect, exactly my style. Think the porcupine in black is my favourite.

Carmen said...

I've just added this to the sidebar of my blog and am just going to do a post on Facebook too :)

Moira F. said...

These are gorgeous - hard to pick a favourite.

Singtatter said...

Very cute! I love the hedgehog most!

Adelina said...

So cute. Love the little owl so much!

Anne said...

Really really cute!! Please pick me!! :D

Egater said...

So cute little idems you give away.Please count me in - I'd love to win

mogrill said...

So cute!! Love the Owl. Thanks for the chance.

EmBelISH said...

Wow that Little Birdy is SO cute (I think I have a bit of a bird brooch obession going on at the moment they seem to be my flavour of the month)

Anyway if I am unfortunetly not the lucky winner of this giveaway I will just have to come and visit your stall at the Finders Keepers Market in Nov ;)

Bel x

Danielle said...

I adore these! My favorite is the Little Bird in green!

Janette said...

Those are way too cute!I love the little bird

Janette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janette said...


marelle said...

ohh, congratulations on being accepted for the finders keepers!! lucky duck!

i love your new designs!


Liquidambar Studio said...

Porcupine is so cute (they all are)! It would really be hard to pick.

christine said...

These are just gorgeous! I love them all. My fave would have to be the hedgehog I think.

PJ said...

Beautiful! The porcupine is my favourite but the birdie is a close second. So cute!

Anonymous said...

count me in please

plur268 at yahoo dot com

babalisme said...

The simplicity's killing me. Porcupine's my dude!

babalisme said...

I tweeted!

Ali said...

congratulations on making Finders Keepers Rebecca! I'm looking forward to it. And your new little brooches are very, very cute!

Julie said...

Lovely brooches ! I'm not even able to tell which animal is my fav... I just love the one in white on black background.

rainbows and raindrops said...

ooo they're so cute =)!

karuski said...

I love them all but that little owl is my very favorite!

Anonymous said...

I love the little bird

Anonymous said... way to go, congradulation, these pins are so cute, i like them all, however i must choose the birdie. thankyou

intensev5 said...

Count me in to win --- thanks for the giveaway:)

Chi Designs said...

love the little bird!

wwrk said...

I would love to win this.

Sandrine said...

wow, I thought I would never found the end of the list!!!They are very popular little critters Madam!I will put my hand up for one too, just soo cute!Thanks for the chance Rebecca!x

Danish said...

I love the broaches - the birdie is my favourite! So sweet!

RaeA said...

Pick Me....Pick Me... :0)
LOVE the Porcupine!!

Michelle said...

I love the Owl in black it is so precious. I simply adore brooches and wear them all the time. Great giveaway - Thank you....

Robyn from Red Zebra designs said...


Betsy said...

Those are adorable :)

Valerie said...

Glad to see you've got so many comments. This giveaway is such a great way to promote your blog.
I love that hedgehog design. My book club's next choice is something called 'The Elegance of Hedgehogs'. Only I kept thinking it was 'tortoises' instead - so was wandering around Borders looking for 'The Elegance of Hedgehogs'. Doh!!

Aik said...

Ooohhh, I love them! Please count me in!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

They are sooo cute! I love the little porcupines!


Anonymous said...

I don't tweet, but told all of my friends to keep the word out!


Evelyn said...

These are gorgeous!

Lanky said...

I love the baby owl brooch. So cute and adorable!


ky2here said...

I'm all over these - especially the hedgehog.

ky2here said...


Sardana said...

I twittered:

minishoes1 said...

How cute are these!! I like the little birdie. thanks!

Kristin said...

Too cute and very unique!!

Thea said...

I love all your work Rebecca but the little porcupine is my favourite.

townbar said...

So original and creative! Smile

erma said...

These are all so cute.

Egare1 said...

They're so cute! I love the baby owl on black :)

trixx said...

All super cute, but the blue bird is adorable! trixpixel(at)

Leslie said...

They're so adorable. :)

Laura said...

My mother in law has Dashaunds! I love all of the animals they have... These are really great.

Unknown said...

I love the little Birds. so cute!

Kathy P said...

Thank you for the AWESOME GIVEAWAY.. Please count me in :)

Kathy P said...

Hillary said...

Aww I love them! Thanks for the great contest!

Hillary said...

I tweeted

Sand said...

Such beautiful artistry I love the Lavender Scented Bird.

Charlene Kuser said...

Beautiful craftsmanship and neat
brooches.I love the owl,so cute.
Thanks for the giveaway

cman said...

Please enter me :)