Tuesday, October 27, 2009

3 Quick Questions: Jetta's Nest

I look at A LOT of images every day, both blog hopping around the crafty world and at the day job in the art world. It's rare that an image will be so different to the hundreds of others I see in a day that it will make me stop for a second look. That's what I like about spending a few minutes in the world of Jetta's Nest, I always know Sam will upload something unlike anything else I've seen that day.

Sam happily took some time out from her busy BiDM preparations to answer 3 Quick Questions...

What inspired you to start creating?
I've been around creativity my whole life. Sewing, drawing, painting, embroidery, cake decorating, photography and more, there's a strong creative gene in our DNA!

I remember very clearly being about 4 years old and asking one of my Aunts to draw me a picture of Cinderella just like the one on the front cover of my Golden Book (she's a great artist and was studying photography at the time). She told me that all I needed to do to be able to draw it myself was practice... so that's what I set about doing. It most definitely was a defining moment for me because I've drawn something just about everyday since!

As for sewing and my appliques, my inspirations are a fairly common one. The lack of fun, bright and most importantly, child appropriate clothes for little boys left me with only one choice when my biggest boy was born... make my own!

If you could spend more time on one thing what would it be?
Most definitely it would be painting. I'm one of those people that really needs to switch off to paint... any distractions and my moment just cracks into a million pieces. When my boys are bigger and a bit more self-sufficient I'll be able to really get back into it and I can't wait, although I'm pretty sure it won't be like in the pre-kid years filled with loud music and cold beers.

What's next for Jetta's Nest?

I wish I knew! Everything that's happened so far for Jetta's Nest has been such a surprise and I still get blown away nearly every day that people like the stuff I make.

I've got some new brooches in the pipeline... a mini gallery series if you like, featuring my art and some gorgeous native Australian timbers and I'm also playing with some ideas for some colouring books and maybe getting some of my applique designs out into the big wide world in pattern form and way too many other things to mention!!

Thanks Sam for being so fabulous!

For more Jetta's Nest (and believe me, there's a whole lot more!) check out these links:
Jetta's Nest blog
Jetta's Nest on Etsy
Jetta's Nest on madeit
and at the BrisStyle Indie Designers Market.


Unknown said...

Wow thanks for that , she is really , really good !

littlechrissy said...

Nice one! Really cool stuff, Sam. Love your work.

Jetta's Nest said...

Awww, I've gone all shy :)

Thanks Rebecca, you're ACE!


Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Great interview! I love Sam's stuff! I can't wait for her new brooches to come out... I've spied one on the blog that I just MUST have!

Twinkle Star Art said...

Great interview Rebecca. Sam's work is very inspirational. I so relate to her story :)

Chrisy said...

So enjoyed reading some more about Sam's creative life...thank you...

Nikki said...

Thanks for the introduction - a lovely new discovery for me!

Hot Fudge said...

Wonderful inteview Rebecca - thanks for opening up Sam's world for us.

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

Wow, her stuff is pretty amazing. Quite haunting in some aspects.

Grammatically Delicious Designs said...

I love the Jetta stuff. I'm on my way to check out more.

Unknown said...

cool ... see you at the markets - I added a little photo of your embroidery and a link :)

Christy said...

Sam's work is amazing! Her dolls are so unique!

willow and moo said...

Great interview!
I love Sam's work!